At my brother's Bar Mitzvah, circa 1984
When thinking of topics for this next post,
In the realm of writing speeches and toasts,
I thought about all of the Moms and Dads
Trying to make candlelightings more than a fad.
How can I help them write these ceremonies?
It’s not quite as easy as 1-2-3.
Part of the fun of these types of ditties
Is putting forth rhymes while still staying witty.
It’s also about weaving an intricate story
Of the people who deserve some of the glory.
Whether it’s Grandma Sue who makes the best soup
Or best friend Charlie from your daughter’s dance troop.
Whether it’s brother Gavin who’s your son’s wingman
Or Mom and Dad whose motto is “Yes, you can!”
Whoever the person, whatever they do,
It’s about capturing those special moments through and through.
Is there a recipe? A trick? A secret to share?
How can I add humor and still show that I care?
How do I boil down in one or two lines
The great role this person plays in my child’s design?
First, make a list of all the people who’ll play
The honored role of lighting a candle that day.
Brainstorm the traits that make them who they are.
They can be heartfelt or funny or even bizarre.
Paint a picture of why this person matters to your child.
Speak from the heart and the crowd will go wild.
What you say doesn’t have to be in perfect rhyme.
Some are drawn to poetry, others lack the skill or time.
Don’t worry about what others have done before you.
This is about your child, your family and what rings true.
If you’re stuck, if you’re struggling, if you’re feeling the stress,
If you’d rather be shopping for a stunning new dress.
Don’t worry, I’ll help you, the ceremony will shine.
We’ll go through the details, line by line.
By the end of the process you’ll be ready to go.
Your family will bask in thirteen candles aglow.
You’ll say to yourself, that stress was absurd,
But good thing The Word Whisperer helped with those words.